Do You Believe You Will Be Blessed?
When we trust God will bless us, we have confidence about our future. Then life becomes an adventure looking for all the blessings God has made available.
When we trust God will bless us, we have confidence about our future. Then life becomes an adventure looking for all the blessings God has made available.
God is always initiating with us because He is always in love with us. He uses everything. Let us sit back and listen to how He will draw us.
We devalue God’s love to think He only blesses us to be a blessing. That’s not love; that’s manipulation. He didn’t spare His Son, won’t He also…
Most of us have been told since a young age that God loves us, but in the experience of our lives, nothing can feel further from the truth.
Thanksgiving brings together family and friends to enjoy relationships and to remember how God has blessed. This is a perfect start to the Christmas season.
God enthrones Himself among the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). The believers in the video below build a throne for the everlasting God within… Read More »Flash Mob Sings Praise to Jesus in Beirut Mall
Sometimes we are so caught up in trying to convince people of the Gospel that we forget to give people a chance to experience Jesus for themselves.
I decided to do a Top 10 List this year to satisfy my interest and help those new to Prayer Coach find articles they may not have known existed. This list has been compiled by looking at pageviews on posts for this year. I also took into account Facebook likes and Twitter shares.
Grief that lasts beyond its time saps energy and leads away from faith. Joy leads us into the heart of the Lord and helps us see His joy for us.
40 Graham Cooke quotes to help you think brilliantly. For instance, every time God speaks to you, it is to put a smile on your face. Wow! See more:
During each of these situations, Jesus showed no fear. How did He do it? The answer lies in His ability to remain in love, since love casts out fear.
But as I thought of the power of dance, I was almost overwhelmed by what they were creating. There were declaring that they had something to celebrate. Jesus is alive and we have reason to dance! Enjoy.