The Journey of Rees Howells: Surrender to the Holy Spirit
Discover the journey of Rees Howells, a man who dedicated his life to the Holy Spirit. Learn how his intercession impacted the world.
Discover the journey of Rees Howells, a man who dedicated his life to the Holy Spirit. Learn how his intercession impacted the world.
The Bible offers us powerful truths to hold onto during doubt. Pray this prayer to increase your faith and confess your trust in God.
Enjoy this sample prayer for peace and take away 9 truths to add power to your own prayers. Embolden your faith for peace from the Bible.
Connect with God! Discover 9 biblical tips, from stillness to community, on how to hear God’s voice in your life.
4 Keys to Hearing God’s voice takes uncertainty out of hearing God’ voice and makes it able to be replicated by any Christian.
In this heartwarming series, children will learn about the power of prayer, the closeness of God, and how life with Him can be an adventure.
Jesus’ interaction with the Canaanite woman gives clues for us on how to approach God in prayer when He seems reluctant to answer.
I have loved being married and hope similar enjoyment for you. Here are a marriage blessings and 10 tips to help your journey.
While we are fixated on getting the words correct or our mental focus in check, God is waiting to spend time with us. Get closer to God now.
Godly leaders can still make horrendous mistakes. David needed Nathan. Are you brave enough to protect the pastors and leaders around you?
Since the Apostle Paul gave us the majority of the New Testament epistles, we can learn a lot from his teachings on prayer and the prayers he left for us to read.
Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves of what God says is true. Read through this list and choose to believe them over whatever you may feel is true.