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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : worldview : Page 17


We all have a worldview from which we live. How does the Bible affect your view of life, God, and self?


Embrace the Mistakes

    God removed the shame of sin so we may be free. Free to move past our mistakes. Free to focus on what God wants us to focus on… our relationship with Him.

    How Do You Read Events

    How Do You Read Events in Your Life?

      My wife calls me up to tell me what just happened. We were step away from losing our daughter, a step away from having our lives drastically changed.

      Keep Believing God's Promises

      Keep Believing God’s Promise to You

        Jesus came that we may have life abundantly. For us to actually believe this as true, we will be called to believe Him for things that only He can do.

        How God Motivates Us Not to Sin

        How Does God Motivate Us Not to Sin?

          We use accountability, consequences, shame, and guilt to motivate people not to sin. But, what does God use? How does God motivate us not to sin?


          The Fear of God

            How can you have the fear of God and love Him at the same time? You love Him so much that you strongly protect that love by not doing anything to hinder it.

            God Doesn't Want You Passive

            God Does Not Want You Passive

              Rest is God’s presence. This is the secret of not getting ahead of God. When His presence moves, we move. We must keep a watchful eye on His presence.