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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : worldview : Page 19


We all have a worldview from which we live. How does the Bible affect your view of life, God, and self?

Is This How You View Prayer?

    We pour our hearts out in a one-side communication to our God who we hope has affection for us. Our prayers are cast out into the empty sea of quietness.

    God Send Me Anywhere

    Send Me Anywhere, Only Go With Me

      God doesn’t send you anywhere that He doesn’t want to go with you. Look for Him and He will be found. Call to Him and He will answer.

      7 Tips to a Better Prayer Life-wp

      7 Tips to a Better Prayer Life

        People approach prayer differently. You may prefer exploring it for yourself, or go with a plan. Whatever it is, here are 7 tips to a better prayer life:

        Does God Have You on a Short Leash?

          People often feel God picks on them the same way. How come some people have blatant sin and God still continues to bless them, while you say a word at the wrong time and you feel God’s conviction? Why does God have some on a shorter leash than others?

          A Man Plans His Course

            So much of my Christian life has been taught that God is sovereign, and our goal is to figure out whatever His plans are and join Him. Jesus did nothing except what He saw the Father doing, therefore I should just sit hear until I see what the Father is doing. I am not going to dream about what my life could be, because God may have something completely different for me. I want whatever God wants, so I am just going to wait for His direction.

            Stephen Roach muscian

            Everything Jesus Died to Give

              Stephen Roach’s song, Room Enough to Dream pulls at a core part of me, which God can do immeasurably more. Let’s go for everything Jesus died to give.


              The Desires of Your Heart

                The desires of your heart are those things that God placed in you. They’re opportunities to connect with your heart which is where we connect with God.

                Believe in People

                Do We Believe in People?

                  Do we believe in others? As ambassadors of Christ, we have a responsibility to speak life into people. We may be the only one who will ever believe in them.

                  Do We Fear Who We Can Become?

                    Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.


                    Do Not Be Afraid

                      The Bible is consistently telling us do not be afraid. Moses, Joshua, Mary, Paul, and others heard God telling them this. Why is this? What is our response?