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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : worldview : Page 20


We all have a worldview from which we live. How does the Bible affect your view of life, God, and self?

Jesus calms the storm

There is No Fear In Love

    During each of these situations, Jesus showed no fear. How did He do it? The answer lies in His ability to remain in love, since love casts out fear.

    roaring water

    Freely Give Grace

      Our calling is to love others with the love that we have received. We received it freely, lavishly, and without expecting anything in return.


      Jesus Prayed That We Would Be One

        Jesus prayed that we would be one, yet we get caught up with denominations that tend to create barriers between Christians. How do we come together?

        Our heart - God's throne

        Down In Your Heart There is a Temple

          The access point to knowing God is through our hearts. He looks for intimate lovers and friends. He will give us as much of His heart as we give Him ours.

          Promise to God Bad?

          Are Promises to Follow God Good or Bad?

            Why are promises to God common among Christians? Because we are afraid of sin, so we create rules to prove to ourselves that we are worthy of His sacrifice.

            The Problem with Promises

            The Problem with Promises

              Promises to ourselves are designed to distance us from our pain, but what they really accomplish is to distance us from God and the life He has for us.

              5 Reasons Why We Need a Father

                Fathers instill into their kids they will be provided for, will be protected, have a purpose, and will enjoy life. Check out these reasons we need a father.

                If God is For Us

                If God is for Us…

                  This phrase, “if God is for us,” is very transformational. Not only do we feel safe in who can be against us, there are 25 other truths we can hold on to.

                  Why Does God Have to Whisper?

                  Why Does God Have to Whisper?

                    So many are hungry to hear the voice of God, desperate for something to bring understanding to their situations. Why can’t God speak up?

                    God is Never Late

                    God is Never Late

                      People criticize Saul for his pride by doing the sacrifice. But, many lives would have been lost. He had to consider that, right?