This Sunday is Father’s Day, which is a natural time to think about the importance of our dads. In my family this has actually been a topic of discussion for awhile. When my wife’s parents divorced in her early teens, her father went MIA for many years. As she goes through healing of the hurts this caused her, we are learning together more deeply why we need a father.
1. Provision
It is the role of the father to make sure the family has what they need. He is responsible for making sure there is food on the table, the family has a place to lay their heads, and everyone has clothes on their backs. The father is the one who tears down any worry about needs being met.
2. Protection
The father projects security to his children. He makes the home and thus the world a safe place. Fear is rejected in the father’s presence.
3. Play
The father is the tickler. He makes the family laugh. He teaches that the world is to be enjoyed, and that you are enjoyable.
4. Purpose
The father speaks life into his children. He lets them know they are important and significant. He calls them to something bigger than themselves. The father gives his children the challenge to make a difference in the world, as he has made a difference in their world.
5. Support
Not only does the father call you into greatness, but he believes you have what it takes for greatness. In fact, he knows you can do it. He prepares you as an overcomer and sets you up for success.
I know many of you did not have a father like this, but you have a Heavenly Father who is all these perfectly. Our earthly father can enhance our view of God the Father, and God can redeem all that our earthly fathers lacked.
We are told not to worry because God knows what we need (Matthew 6:25-33). We are reminded of His protection by the admonition if God is for us, who can be against us (Romans 8:31). God’s playfulness is evident because the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Our Heavenly Father has a plan for us (Jeremiah 29:11), and He believes in us by motivating Jesus to say we would do even greater things than Jesus (John 14:12). Are you lacking in any of these areas? Ask God to reveal to you His Father’s heart for you. Fathering is very important to God. He will personally step in where your father was absent (Psalm 68:5).
Father God, let Your children know they have a father. Redeem that which has been lacking. Rise up hope in each person for a better tomorrow.
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I wish I was in my Heavenly father’s Arms now. To feel His Hands caress my face, to feel His Breath on my neck, to smell His Scent, to “breathe” Him in to fall asleep on His shoulder
My birth father went away for beating my mother, then she gave me up for adoption when I was 3. I lived in a foster home for 5 years before I was adopted at age 7. I grew up in that family but was not the little boy my new dad thought I would be so he rejected me by abusing me physically, verbally and sexually and finnaly spiritually. Now he wants nothing to do with me. All I know from father’s are abuse and rejection. I am 50 now and I live with the pain still to this day. It’s probably the reason my life was destroyed.
I tried getting help from the church but gave up after years of being turned away by various ministries. Now I’m too paralized with fear to even leave my home anymore. I’m ready to go Home to my real Father
Dear Joe,
Thank you for sharing this. None of that was your fault. I pray that you find someone in your city that you can sit down with, build trust, and feel accepted. I believe that there is a counselor, pastor, or friend there for you. I pray that God would lead you to him.
I got a lot of useful tips from this article. Thank you very much!