“God, send me anywhere, only go with me. Lay any burden on me, only sustain me. And sever any tie in my heart except the tie that binds my heart to Yours.” – David Livingstone
Send Me Anywhere
I came across this quote from David Livingstone in a book I was reading today. Immediately, it reminded me of a conversation with my wife almost 10 years ago. We were living in the Middle East at the time.
We were coming to the end of the year there and were deciding whether or not we were going to return for another year. I was up for it, but my wife had a very hard year. You can only imagine how difficult it is to be a women in a society that treats them less than human. Not all men over there were like that, but it was ingrained in their society and as an intercessor my wife felt it often.
Only Go With Me
Through this discussion about what we were going to live the follow year, and I said, “I will be happy anywhere in the world as long as I am with you.” I don’t know if I had fully thought that through before it came out, or if it was just unearthed through the discussion, but it was and still is most definitely true.
My wife is my family, my best friend, and my constant source of support. I love her like I never knew what about love before. And, at this point of my life she was even more important to me than God. That summer we were separated. That position I held her at was to heavy for her to carry. She could not be my God, nor did she want to be.
God I Want You With Me
God wanted me to say that statement about Him. He wanted me to want Him in the same way I had wanted to be with my wife.
God did some incredible things in us that summer and birthed many of the ideas and thoughts that come out in about every one of these posts. He showed me areas of my life that I had let fears hold me back and ungodly beliefs guide me. God restored rather quickly our relationship and has grown it to something more than I can ever have hoped or imagine.
But He also restored to me the desire for His love and presence. That I would be fine for God to send me anywhere, only He go with me.
- God doesn’t send you anywhere that He doesn’t want to go with you. Look for Him and He will be found. Call to Him and He will answer. If He is asking where you are, it is not because He has lost you. He wants you to stop hiding and to run to Him. He loves you and wants you to be with Him.
Thanks for the reminder that we are never out of God’s sight and care. Blessings on you and your family.