God’s Promise is Only the Start
Joseph has a dream that he would have a position of authority. His dream is followed by 13 years of slavery and prison, in which he rises to the positions of authority. Each place has parts of his dream, but it never realizes until the day he is brought before Pharaoh.
David has an extraordinary experience of the chief religious leader of his time declaring him king of Israel after each of his brothers were overlooked for the position. He has some immediate successes with Goliath and advancement in Saul’s army, but it is 15 years before that word comes to pass.
Abraham gets a word from God, a promise that he would be made a great nation. He believes the word but has to wait 25 years before he even gets one son.
What Assurances Do You Need of the Promise?
The thing that stands out to me is not necessarily the wait but the acceptance that the promise would come to pass. What assurances did any of these men have that what they were told would happen? How many dreams have you had at night were from God? How do you know what someone says to you is from God?
Even the story of Abraham doesn’t explain how God spoke to him. Did he hear an audible voice, or was it just God’s voice spoken into his thoughts?
The Promise Gets Tested
I do not doubt any of these men’s experiences, but it makes me wonder how can I be so sure. Several months ago I started my newest walk of faith which I mentioned in my post, Does Your Life Make Zero Sense to UnBelievers. Now I face what Blackaby calls the crisis of belief.
“When God invites you to join Him in His word, He has a God-sized assignment for you. You will quickly realize you cannot do what He is asking on your own. If God doesn’t help you, you will fail. This is the crisis of belief when you must decide whether to believe God for what He wants to do through you.”
“At this point many people decide not to follow what they sense God is leading them to do. Then they wonder why they do not experience God’s presence and activity the way other Christians do.”
“The way you respond at this turning point will determine whether you become involved with God in something God-sized that only He can do or whether you will continue to go your own way and miss what He has purposed for your life.”
Henry Blackaby – Experiencing God
Jesus said He came that we may have life abundantly (John 10:10). In order for us to step out and actually believe this as true, we will be called to believe Him for things that only He can do. To be honest I am am a bit scared, but I cannot give up hope that what He promised (even if it is what I only believed He promised), He will do. God you alone know the path to what I was made for.
Hold on. Never give up. Refuse to doubt. Refuse to allow fear to rule you. When u fear, seek his face. Choose to believe in his goodness in spite of what may happen. Only believe. These are easy to say but quite different when it comes to living by them. I know it is not easy but it will be worth it. I am praying for you brother.
Thank you very much. I appreciate this. Bless you.
Reading this list makes me reminder the importance of patience and waiting for God’s timing. I think so many people want to be an overnight success when it fact success takes time(Often years and decades) to accoplish. Great post.
ps. I just found your blog and really enjoy it. Looking forward to connecting more.
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your comments. I am glad that you like the blog. Sometimes God’s timing is longer than we had hoped, but we are still to press in and desire a quick resolution (at least not longer than as is needed). Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Blessings, Kevin
Wow, loved your post Kevin.
I feel like my generation especially struggles with patience. We want it all right now and not many are willing to “build the wall in front of them”, which ultimately prepares them for their destiny. I’ve often times found myself unsatisfied with where I’m at and where I want to be when it comes to influence and impact.
On the other side I don’t want to enjoy the moment so much, that I lose my drive and vision for the greater things of God. I guess we need to continuously learn how to keep the fine balance in this.
Thanks for this great reminder to learn how to enjoy and value the process.
I just tweeted this post out to my followers!
Dear Daniel,
I appreciate your comments. You are an amazing man who has walked out your faith in radical obedience. It is a tension to desire God’s promises now and learning to wait patiently for Him.
Thank you for sending this out to your followers. Let me know if you want to write a guest post. I’d love to have you.
Kevin this really spoke to me. My whole family is in the midst of moving and at times it’s really walking by faith and scary. But I keep holding onto promises and I just have to stay focused on that with patience. Thank you and bless you!!
Dear Steve,
Kevin Dedmon says faith is spelled R-I-S-K. If we are going to walk by faith then we will need to step out beyond where reason can take us… which is scary! I am glad to know scary people. 🙂
That was in 2012, Kevin. Have you received the promise yet? I hope so. I wait as well…
Dear RJ,
Here is the follow-up for that point in my family’s life: http://prayer-coach.com/2012/08/01/update-on-my-stepping-out-in-faith/.
Things have gone extremely well since this point. I again felt God having me leave my job; this time I knew what it was for. My family has moved to China to help teenage orphan girls. We have been here for 3 years and God has been working out so many things for us. You can see our journey at our non-profit page: http://JosiahsCovenant.com/.
Thank you for being honest that you are (or were) scared. I’m also afraid to do what God has called me to do. Although I think I’m more afraid not to do what God has called me to do and live a life less than what God planned for me.
Dear Krystal,
Completely understand. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Guys,
I need prayer for what I am going to tell you, searching about God’s promise.
on the 18 July 2017 I asked God about a specific girl. I asked God is she the one for me yes or no? and as I read through the bible God whispered- Proverbs 18 verse 22 I never knew what had stand there nothing I am still a newly born Christian. When I read there I knew God said yes, but suddenly the devil just tried to kill that confirmation and I asked God again and about a few hours later God showed it again someone on facebook send it to his wife and I saw it on my newsfeed. I was still so confused did God really spoked to me and I asked again God showed me on the 23rd of July again in church I was busy making notes in my notebook something someone gave it for me as a present a year ago and one morning on the 23rd as I made notes and paged to my next page the scripture showed again. I was shocked and cried. a whole month went passed and all the doubts I said God please forgive me that I doubt and I am struggling that you gave me the yes that she is the one and suddenly the 26th August 2017 someone send me a WhatsApp same scripture this person doesn’t know of any confirmations so God showed me 4 times. Today is the 26/3/2018 and It 8 months already and still nothing happens romantic in our friendship and it is so difficult to hold on, and asking myself did God really showed it is her, is it someone else? all those Questions Our friendship is constantly God’s hand we spend allot of time together talking about God and constantly praying for each other and really growing in each other I really started to love her for who she is and I see God’s heart that’s why I prayed for guidance and confirmation I am just waiting on God to confirm it in her heart, we both have the same belief to wait on God to show us who is our soulmate God showed before we pursue the relationship. We really spoke about everything God’s timing in everything and his time is perfect. There so many unexplained confirmations between us something God showed me in my quiet time and then one day she said the same to me constantly remind God of his promises. Isaiah 62 verse 7-8. recently we went to friends for a get together and the one girl’s dad asked if we are together because I just prophesied it was so shocked it was in front of allot of friends so things are happening, and it is really difficult to trust because God I am not sure if God will show me someone else I am missing, or if I didn’t understand what was said. Our friendship is something so special I made a journal of all the confirmation scriptures God put in my heart all our meetings and moments. with my whole heart I want this promise to happen so that I can tell people I hold on to God’s promise he made and he also showed me about Abraham and also Zechariah when I doubted and then it helped me to keep holding on. So yes I just wanted to share this to you.
Dear Ruhan,
Thank you for sharing your story. May your closeness with God continue to grow as you seek His direction and confirmation. He is good to you.