Imagine Believing This: God Never Giving Up On You
I’ve had the privilege of being with men at their lowest point. Doing this has strengthened my belief that God never gives up on you.
I’ve had the privilege of being with men at their lowest point. Doing this has strengthened my belief that God never gives up on you.
If they are struggling with prayer, tell them God loves them. God loves you and wants to be with all the time and in every circumstance.
Prayers to build your hope is standing in faith for the things God has promised while circumstances tell us He has forgotten all about us.
These Steve and Wendy Backlund quotes will ignite hope and impart life. Overcome with God by correcting wrong thinking and gaining confidence in prayer.
The work we are doing will continue, but we need to celebrate what God has done for us so we will not overwhelm ourselves about what still needs to happen.
Fear tries to get us to focus on the potential of future problems. In order to break its hold we need to focus elsewhere. This is a way to overcome fear.
Why was life different now? How do you get back to the “sweet spot” of your walk with God? How do you restore the joy of your salvation?
“The main thing that God asks for is our attention.” – Check out 30 Jim Cymbala quotes on prayer that will lead you to fresh faith in God:
Fear of what others may think or do strangle our ability to live a life of faith. Developing a community that believes in us is how to live out of faith.
Our main problem with prayer is we don’t know who God is. If we really knew His love and how He wants to give to us, we would have no problem with prayer.
We have a God that loves to speak. Pray through these two ways to overcome God’s silence and may you be released into a greater awareness of His voice.
The multitudes believed in His name, but Jesus did not entrust Himself to them. Why the distance? How can we live so He will entrust Himself to us?