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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : faith : Page 4


What is Holiness

What is Holiness?

    Holiness is often related to being without sin. That’s not holiness; that’s righteousness and it is by faith not refraining from sin. Then what is holiness?

    two trees in garden

    There Were Two Trees in the Garden

      There were two trees in the garden: one was forbidden, the other we lost access to. What is God trying to tell us? How are we to respond?

      What is Hindering My Prayers?

      What is Hindering My Prayers?

        In my efforts to not manipulate God, I hinder my prayers by limiting them to things I feel are reasonable. I create my own lid to what God may do for me.

        Your Weakness is Your Testimony

        Your Weakness is Your Testimony

          When you are free to be you, God can work miracles through your lives. Allow your weakness to be your testimony and watch God be strong on your behalf.

          Pray for Leaders

          How to Pray for Our Leaders

            World leaders have much on their shoulders and as Christians we are responsible to life them up. What are we to pray for our leaders?

            How to Pray for a Miracle

            How Do You Pray for a Miracle?

              In those times you want and need to know how to pray to gain hope and confidence from God. Use these five steps to pray for a miracle?

              What Radical Faith Looks Like

              What Radical Faith Looks Like

                People lose faith when God leads us differently than we expected. We are called to pursue the word of God in every situation. This leads to radical faith.

                Upgrade Your Prayer

                Time to Upgrade Your Prayers

                  Prayer is much more than reciting a list. Prayer is an act of dependance on our Master who’s leading us on an adventure. It’s time to upgrade your prayers.

                  How to Cure Our Love of Money

                  How to Cure Our Love of Money

                    Money is of no concern to us as Christians because as we follow His lead, provisions will come because never will He leave us and never will He forsake us.

                    Tell Them God Loves Them

                    Tell Them God Loves Them

                      If they are struggling with prayer, tell them God loves them. God loves you and wants to be with all the time and in every circumstance.

                      Prayers to Build Your Hope

                      5 Prayers to Build Your Hope

                        Prayers to build your hope is standing in faith for the things God has promised while circumstances tell us He has forgotten all about us.