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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : children


Christian children's book about panda

New Christian Children’s Book

    In this heartwarming series, children will learn about the power of prayer, the closeness of God, and how life with Him can be an adventure.

    10 Things to Pray for Your Kids 2

    10 Things to Pray for Your Kids

      I put together 10 things to pray for your kids to help you. May this give you hope and confidence that God knew what He was doing when He gave you children.

      God Wants to Bless You

      God Wants to Bless You

        We devalue God’s love to think He only blesses us to be a blessing. That’s not love; that’s manipulation. He didn’t spare His Son, won’t He also…

        How Come Nobody Wanted Me?

        How Come Nobody Wanted Me?

          As kids we are too young to properly interpret our world. Without direction we are bound to get it wrong. My interpretation of my world was I was unwanted.

          Tale of 2 Fathers – Isaac and Jacob

            Isaac fathered Jacob who felt alone in the world. Jacob fathered Joseph knew he was special and had value to give. A father can great play role on a child.

            5 Reasons Why We Need a Father

              Fathers instill into their kids they will be provided for, will be protected, have a purpose, and will enjoy life. Check out these reasons we need a father.

              Ultimate Goal of Parenting

              Ultimate Goal of Parenting

                As my girls came to know Jesus, we saw progress; we did not see completion. What is the ultimate goal of parenting? May we do all we can to get them to…