What Is the Full Extent of Jesus’ Love?
While the cross was a more significant event, the feet washings are regular events where Jesus choses to take the form of a servant to minister to us.
While the cross was a more significant event, the feet washings are regular events where Jesus choses to take the form of a servant to minister to us.
Life will never be the same for my family. We have taken the plunge and are now halfway around the world. We don’t know the language.
After coming from a belief that nobody wanted me, the only explanation I had for these new friends was because I was good at playing their game.
As kids we are too young to properly interpret our world. Without direction we are bound to get it wrong. My interpretation of my world was I was unwanted.
Christmas is a time of hope. Jesus came to bring light into the darkness, yet darkness still persists. How can the entrance of hope bring such pain?
Instead of just being with God, I’ve been trying to get Him to talk. My worries have created a filter to what I want from God. Maybe He just wants me?
Emergencies happen in life. Step into these situations with faith and not fear. Here are 4 things to pray in an emergency to help change the outcome:
I don’t believe God wants to explain everything to us. He wants to leave room for faith. Without faith it’s impossible…, so let’s embrace the mystery.
Because of the loyalty of you coming to the site and reading the posts, search engines are determining this site as an authority on prayer and hearing from God.
That’s the thing about God… His ways are not like our ways. He knows what we need and in His pleasure He will meet them in His ways.
Many have strong opinions against prayer list, but they’re still an important tool in others’ prayer lives. What is the correct view? Add your thoughts:
My wife calls me up to tell me what just happened. We were step away from losing our daughter, a step away from having our lives drastically changed.