1 Surprisingly Simple Step to Growing in God
Growing in God is surprisingly simple, yet we will never stop growing. This one step will help give you focus, leading you to more of God in your life.
Growing in God is surprisingly simple, yet we will never stop growing. This one step will help give you focus, leading you to more of God in your life.
This article is not to point any fingers at the Christian leaders who have fallen, but really to try to pull out something that would prevent future scandals.
Most of us struggle to find time to spend just a few minutes in prayer. God wants to walk with us through this life, but we need to make time for the important.
For the growing community that gave me their confidence by following this blog and for those that need to hear God is for them, here is what I believe.
There are two main reasons following God is so hard. If we can overcome these, we will find the abundant life that Jesus promised is not far off.
All of us want to connect with God from our heart. So, let’s ready our hearts to pray. Here are 15 things you can do to prepare your heart for prayer.
There is nothing wrong for a Christian leader to support a particular candidate, but it’s more important to help people learn how to decide who to vote for.
In my efforts to not manipulate God, I hinder my prayers by limiting them to things I feel are reasonable. I create my own lid to what God may do for me.
World leaders have much on their shoulders and as Christians we are responsible to life them up. What are we to pray for our leaders?
If they are struggling with prayer, tell them God loves them. God loves you and wants to be with all the time and in every circumstance.
Why was life different now? How do you get back to the “sweet spot” of your walk with God? How do you restore the joy of your salvation?
I will not intentionally offer any views on the same-sex marriage ruling. What I feel the need to speak on is how do we pray. How do we find God in this?