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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : disappointment


Can I Say No to God?

Can I Say No to God?

    Sometimes it is easier to turn off our hearts in obedience than to wrestle with God about things we don’t want to do. God wants connection over obedience.

    Where is the Great Joy

    Where is the Great Joy?

      The angels declared great joy for all the people, but shortly afterward great pain entered the region Jesus came. Where is the great joy that was promised?


      How to Succeed in the Wilderness

        Have you tasted the joy of living in who you were called to be, but now feel you are in some forgotten place? Here is how to succeed in the wilderness.

        What is Hindering My Prayers?

        What is Hindering My Prayers?

          In my efforts to not manipulate God, I hinder my prayers by limiting them to things I feel are reasonable. I create my own lid to what God may do for me.

          Giving Up or Overcoming?

          Giving Up or Overcoming?

            Disappointment sets us back where we downgrade our view of God so we will not get hurt again. Are we giving up on God or overcoming in our faith?

            God Wants to Bless You

            God Wants to Bless You

              We devalue God’s love to think He only blesses us to be a blessing. That’s not love; that’s manipulation. He didn’t spare His Son, won’t He also…

              Does God Play Favorites

              Does God Play Favorites?

                Why are some people’s prayers answered? Some people find success, fulfillment, and basic joy in life. Does God play favorites? God hated Esau didn’t He?

                God be disappointed with you

                Can God Be Disappointed in You?

                  When you make mistakes, is God disappointed with you? Does God use displeasure to move us to repentance or is there another way?

                  How Come Nobody Wanted Me?

                  How Come Nobody Wanted Me?

                    As kids we are too young to properly interpret our world. Without direction we are bound to get it wrong. My interpretation of my world was I was unwanted.

                    How God Motivates Us Not to Sin

                    How Does God Motivate Us Not to Sin?

                      We use accountability, consequences, shame, and guilt to motivate people not to sin. But, what does God use? How does God motivate us not to sin?