Make Friends Through Praying With Others
People are hungry for a touch from God. Let’s be quick to pray with others to hear our hearts and receive from God. Who knows what friends you may make?
Sometimes giving definition to prayer helps expand your view of it.
People are hungry for a touch from God. Let’s be quick to pray with others to hear our hearts and receive from God. Who knows what friends you may make?
God to me was not untrue, but rather irrelevant. I never rejected prayer. It just slipped off my radar screen. I turned to martial arts for my protection.
Have you given up praying about something because it seems that God doesn’t what to answer it? The bravest prayer you can pray is to continue praying that prayer you’ve prayed 100 times.
Prayer reminds us that He is always with us, He hasn’t left us, and He likes us. The greatest benefit of prayer is we remember that God is close.
Most of us struggle to find time to spend just a few minutes in prayer. God wants to walk with us through this life, but we need to make time for the important.
Most Christians believe that they are saved by grace, but this passage in James can seem to push us back to earn our salvation. Let’s look at interpreting how faith without works is dead.
Things happen in life that makes us sad. Giving thanks in all things doesn’t remove our grief, it positions us to see the goodness of God coming from it.
Jesus has done everything for us to have revival now. While the obstacles to bring revival are on us, they are not as great as we commonly think.
True worship is often misunderstood among the religious. Here are four clues from the Bible that show if you may be religious about worship:
I used to live under the burden of trying to prove my love to God. I didn’t think I was worthy of notice on my own, so I needed to find ways to stand out.
Maybe you are aware of areas of your failures or recognize others are ahead of you. Whatever the reason, are you ready to amp up your Christian life?
Our negative thinking become ground for sin to grow. We need to stop imagining things that are not what God wants. Here’s how to stop negative thinking.