Does Prayer Disprove God?
God is imaginary, is a site set to disprove God, and the author’s number one proof that God is imaginary centers around prayer. As stated on the site, Jesus said many outstanding things about prayer: “everyone who asks receives,” “nothing will be impossible to you,” “you will receive whatever you ask,” “believe that you receive what you ask in prayer, and it will be yours,” and “ask anything in Jesus’ name, and He will do it” (Matthew 7:8, Matthew 17:20, Matthew 21:21, Mark 11:24, and John 14:14 respectively).
These are great encouraging passages for believers. The proof against God goes, that Jesus made these statements about prayer, Jesus is God and cannot lie, but prayer does not work.
Where is the Supernatural Lifestyle?
It is this last statement where the Christians should jump up and complain. But, for the sake of argument, the site does give a basis for its claim that prayer doesn’t work. It states that if you gather Christians together to pray for a cure for cancer there will be no answer.
In other words, Jesus declares that miracles should be a normal experience for a praying Christian, but Christians, according to that site, do not show a supernatural lifestyle.
Are we to get mad at this site for its observation? What are we to do? Obviously, we need supernatural breakthrough in prayer. This post will take you through four steps to gain supernatural breakthrough in prayer.
1. We Need Faith to Have Supernatural Breakthrough in Prayer
“If you have faith as small as a mustard seed…”
(Matthew 17:20)
We develop faith through our personal time with God. Learn more about Him through reading the Bible. Be encouraged by stories like Joshua asking for the sun to stand still. God is the same yesterday, today, He can do it again. Learn more about God through your personal prayers. Ask God things in prayer and wait for how He answers you. This communication with God will grow your faith.
We develop faith through taking risks. It was through stepping out of the boat that Peter saw if he could walk on water (Matthew 14:29). The priests had to place their feet in the roaring river to see if God would stop its flow (Joshua 3:15). Faith is demonstrated by doing things that show belief in God over things that you see. You will never see miracles through your prayer if you are too afraid to take risks in what you pray.
2. Holiness Will Lead You to Take Risks in Prayer
“Without holiness no one will see the Lord.”
(Hebrews 12:14)
Holiness does not mean you never sin. Holiness is primarily being set apart. This will include making choices that are different than the world. It includes a healthy fear of God that will keep you from sin. However, holiness primarily is a commitment of the heart to follow God above all else. This will include choosing to obey God’s leading to pray for someone even if you are afraid they will mock you or afraid that God will not come through. What do we love more, God or our comfort?
3. Thankfulness Will Move God’s Spirit Toward Breakthrough
“Give thanks in all circumstances.”
(1 Thessalonians 5:17-19)
Thanksgiving is the oil that enables God’s Spirit to greater functionality through your life. Thanksgiving reveals what you are focusing on. Doubt and fear focus on the circumstances of life. Thanksgiving realizes that every good thing comes from our Father. Thanksgiving also is an act of faith in the prayer promises of Jesus — the One who promised is faithful to complete it.
4. Community Will Increase Your Faith in the Supernatural
“That you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”
(Romans 1:12)
Your faith is strengthened by others with faith. This is why God sent Mary to stay with Elizabeth during the early stages of her pregnancy with Jesus (Luke 1:42-45). God was doing a new thing, and He was protecting Mary by having her be with someone who was also experiencing God’s miracles.
The internet is full of communities of believers through blogs or Facebook groups. By reading testimonies of others who are experiencing the hand of God, you can be encouraged to trust God for similar acts. The promises of God are not for a select few; they are for all who trust God enough to pursue them.
Let us be the people of God that rebukes the protagonists with the miraculous. Sure Jesus told Thomas it is better for those who believe and don’t see, but He still showed Thomas His hands and feet. God wants to be experienced and will remove every barrier if we would just let Him.
Thanks Kevin for this article on breakthrough in Prayer.
The four points you mentioned here are very clear. As from my experience in prayer, I have learned the difference between praying to God versus praying for God to do something. I believe the primary purpose of prayer is God and His glory. That is why Jesus taught us to pray that God’s will be done.As believers in prayer, we should expect breakthroughs only when God’s glory is promoted in our prayers. He is the Kings of Kings, Lord of Lords and sovereign over our lives. He always answers our prayer for His glory, not our satisfaction.
Love this. Thanks for adding what you have learned.
I would like to add that God answers your prayer not because of your righteousness but because of His mercy & great-fullness.
I have had many supernatural breakthroughs. It is always in alignment with God’s will. God made the World as a testing ground. We are to choose good or evil to be our guides. Sometimes I have chosen wrong and after I walked closely to God, felt the separation and repented. He is my friend, so why would I want that separation. Finally, I am growing – up, learning the narrower way and loving it. Do I still sin, of course, I am human, and I will not fully arrive until I shed this fleshly body, but I am HIS. I consider God to be my best friend. I pray to the Father in Jesus name, daily, several times a day usually, and my requests are sometimes earnest and repetitive, like the lady that kept her pleas before the unrighteous judge except, my judge is righteous and GOOD and He shares my burden and takes my burdens, and assures me the day will come when my children (and children’s children will come to Him just as I did, forevermore Isaiah 59:21, and He will teach them and give them peace Isaiah 54:13. He said I did not labor in vain and did not bear children for trouble Isaiah:65:23. He changes the hearts of kings like the waterways (how much more will He be able to change our children’s hearts? Kings are arrogant, and willful and prideful yet, He is Sovreign even over the worst of the worst, if God so choses to intervene, Proverbs 21:1, and it is HE that makes the stony heart like flesh, repentant, fruitful and obedient Ezekiel 36:22-37. The secret to answered prayer is friendship, forgiveness flowing in and from our hearts, grateful worship, trust, and perseverance. We must know our WORD in order to now His heart, promises and plan in our lives and in the lives of our children. We did not choose Him first, He chose us. Ephesians 1:4. Learn Him and you will never be overtaken with fear but will instead be overtaken with love for others and a willingness to move on the behalf of the unlovable and pray for them and do well by them so that maybe one day they will want the Christ that we have. Tragedies hit our World daily. We are not promised tomorrow here on Earth, but God does hold tomorrow if you give it to Him. That is enough for me. I am at peace because I walk with my friend.