March Madness Brackets
I have included an excel version of this year’s brackets for people to download to help you enjoy this year’s tournament.
These are stories from my life. I find them helpful as God has used these experiences to teach me.
I have included an excel version of this year’s brackets for people to download to help you enjoy this year’s tournament.
Last week my only brother unexpectedly went to be with the Lord. Here is my eulogy for my brother as it may help others that have lost loved ones.
Is violence a pre-requisite for a manly movie? There has to be underlying themes that calls you to something more. Here are some themes for manly movies:
As my girls came to know Jesus, we saw progress; we did not see completion. What is the ultimate goal of parenting? May we do all we can to get them to…
Jesus cares about you and over everything. And, as you get His perspective on life, you can know that no matter what happens, Jesus can protect your heart.
But the thing about Liv’s name is that not only is it what we’re praying for God to do in her life, it’s a constant reminder of what He’s done in mine. I too am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God, and I trust in God’s unfailing love forever. And I thank God because HE HAS DONE IT. It was nothing I could do, but He brought about this amazing healing and transformation in my heart and life.
Often we can be afraid of God and move away from Him because of lies we believe about Him. When we believe those lies, we won’t come to Him which could perpetuate more lies and keep us further from Him. But I’ve seen the opposite be just as true. As God has uprooted lies in my life and replaced it with truth, it draws me closer to Him. I continue to lean into Him more. I know His love for me even more.
This is from a friend that walked through the process and found life on the other side. As you read, your appreciation of the kindness of God will grow.
Are we like this with God? We hear him correctly, but we just don’t believe that He would say that. Our minds can hinder God’s leading in our lives.
Walking in the Spirit is a life of faith. Faith is steps out in obedience with the outcome not guaranteed. Fear will hold us back. Don’t hesitate, act now!
Have you ever had God teach you the same lesson over again? I was all geared up to follow the same path again, but as I prayed I felt that above it all I needed to focus on displaying the fruit of the Spirit.
Truth is whatever God says is true. And, it is true that God is always in control. He is for you. And, He can work through every circumstance for your good.