9 Truths That Add Power to Your Prayer for Peace
Enjoy this sample prayer for peace and take away 9 truths to add power to your own prayers. Embolden your faith for peace from the Bible.
Enjoy this sample prayer for peace and take away 9 truths to add power to your own prayers. Embolden your faith for peace from the Bible.
When we look at this passage, we come away with the awareness that it is more than just prayer that gets God’s attention. There are four commands in this verse, and only one is to pray.
The parable of the persistent widow teaches us to continue to pray, but perseverance is not about getting what you want. We want to maintain trust in God.
Bible verses about anxiety can help bring comfort when we are worried or facing spiritual burnout. Use this prayer in times of stress to give you peace.
Growing in God is surprisingly simple, yet we will never stop growing. This one step will help give you focus, leading you to more of God in your life.
Most Christians believe that they are saved by grace, but this passage in James can seem to push us back to earn our salvation. Let’s look at interpreting how faith without works is dead.
This Hebrews Bible study can be used individually or as a group study. Hebrews will be our focus; this study will be a tour guide to enhance the journey.
The Bible is full of resources to strengthen your prayers. These 10 Bible verses will strengthen your prayers and give you confidence in your time with Him.
I recently said that people normally read what they want in the Bible. Sensing some confusion, today’s post is How to Read the Bible Without Going Astray.
The Bible tells us there is power in the name of Jesus. It enables our salvation, deliverance, and sanctification. But, what does the name of Jesus mean?
The Bible says we are to confess, but what is the objective? Are we just agreeing to our mistakes? Jesus shows us how to make a good confession.
Living overseas people love to come and give us refreshing. I appreciate their heart, but can we succeed to such a level that we are always overflowing?