What the Bible Say About Stress and Worry
Jesus came that we may have life and life more abundantly (John 10:10). He commanded us to go and make disciples of all nations with the encouragement that He would be with us until the very end of the age (Matthew 28:18-20). As, believers in Jesus, we have overcome the world (1 John 5:4-5).
We should be the most confident people on the earth. However, each of us know we still struggle with anxiety and spiritual burnout. What does the Bible say about depression?
Doing a Bible study on worry will take us first to two sources of stress: 1. the unknown of tomorrow (Matthew 6:25-34 & Luke 12:22-34). and 2. the unknown of what to say (Matthew 10:19-20, Mark 13:11, Luke 12:11-12, & Luke 21:12-19).
In these passages, Jesus reminds us that worry comes when we lose our awareness that God is our Father. He will protect us and provide for us. He wants us to trust Him because He loves to take care of His own.
20 Bible Verses on Anxiety and Stress
The best way to look for Bible verses about stress or Scripture on stress is to look to those passages that give us peace and comfort when we are prone to worry. Here are 20 Bible verses about worry, stress, and anxiety so you can find God’s peace:
- Be anxious of nothing (Philippians 4:6-7)
- When I’m afraid (Psalm 56:3)
- Worry chokes God’s seed (Luke 8:14-15)
- Anxiety weighs down the heart (Proverbs 12:25)
- Fear no evil for He is with you (Psalm 23)
- Do not fear, for He is with you (Isaiah 41:10)
- My help is in God (Psalm 121:1-2)
- No fear of bad things when trusting God (Psalm 112:7)
- He will sustain you (Psalm 55:22)
- God holds all things (Colossians 1:17)
- He will make my paths straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)
- In my anxiety, He brought me joy (Psalm 94:19)
- The Lord is my helper (Hebrews 13:5-6)
- Who can be against you? (Romans 8:31-39)
- Don’t be troubled; believe in Jesus (John 14:1)
- Jesus gives us peace (John 14:27)
- Come all who are weary; God will give rest (Matthew 11:28-30)
- The Peace of Christ rules (Colossians 3:15)
- The Lord of peace gives you peace (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
- You will have trouble, but take heart (John 16:33)
Prayer for Anxiety, Worry, and Fear
Since stressful situations and spiritual burnout is real, this prayer for worry and stress can lead you back to the peace of Christ. When you are anxious, saying this prayer can bring your mind back into a Biblical perspective and remind you of God’s provisions and protection. Try saying this prayer daily or as needed during your times of worry and stress.
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always with me. You never leave me nor forsake me. You are always here, always present.
God, I am currently feeling worry and anxiousness in my heart. You say if I am ever anxious, I am to pray and the peace of God will guard my heart and mind. I am coming to You for this peace.
Jesus, You also said that You gave me peace. I chose to receive this peace by faith. I chose to think on Your goodness towards me. You are my helper and my comforter.
God, I believe You are for me. Jesus, I believe You also are for me. What am I to say, but if God is for me, who can be against me? What have I to fear or to worry about? God, You say You will take care of my every need. I will commit to trust You. Help me in my wavering heart. I do know You are good and will work out all things for my good.
Holy Spirit, remind me of the promises God has given to me. Strengthen me to hold on to those promises. I have nothing to fear because You are with me. Lead me to people today that will encourage me and add to my faith. I love You and am grateful that You have made Yourself known to me. Thank you for Your protection, provisions, and love.
Help for Christian Burnout
Feelings of worry and stress are common for everyone. However, it can be tough for Christians if we think it is unspiritual or it may ruin our witness. Christians have a tendency to ignore our anxiety instead of facing it with God’s help.
Pastor burnout statistics show that 90% of pastors are frequently fatigued or worn out on a weekly or even a daily basis and 71% constantly fight depression (stats come from 2006 study by Dr. Richard Krejcir). Pastor depression and burnout is indicative of a greater Christian problem, because if our spiritual leaders don’t know how to find peace, what hope do we have?
I have created a book and online course to help caregivers maintain their motivation in giving to others. This material will be an excellent help for pastors and other Christians, who are often giving of themselves for the sake of others. The study will look into the lives of Abraham, David, Paul, Elijah, and many of Bible stories to find help to overcome anxiety and stress. The study is called, The Academy of Powerful Caregivers.
very useful topic
The teachings are wonderful indeed the are well planned and self explanatory to a lay man stay blessed brethren thank so much .