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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : worldview : Page 5


We all have a worldview from which we live. How does the Bible affect your view of life, God, and self?

Christians Embrace Halloween

Should Christians Embrace Halloween?

    Some Christians condemn Halloween, some create a family-friendly harvest festival, and others will embrace Halloween completely. How should you navigate it?

    Shocking Fact Non Christians-bg

    A Shocking Fact About Non-Christians

      We feel the need to convince non-Christians of their need to accept Jesus, but we often doubt if they would really desire it. Here’s a shocking truth:

      How Can We Be Holy?

        The idea of us being holy would be fully unthinkable to us if it were not for 1 Peter 1:15. Holiness seems to be reserved for God alone. How can we be holy?

        Why is it hard to follow God?

        Why Is Following God So Hard?

          There are two main reasons following God is so hard. If we can overcome these, we will find the abundant life that Jesus promised is not far off.

          Sow and Harvest

          You Will Reap What You Sow!

            Sowing and reaping used to be a fearful harvest of any evil I did. But we have a good father who is looking for any good in us to reward. Can this be true?

            Am I Gods Friend or Servant

            Am I God’s Friend or Servant?

              Do we start off as a slave or servant of God than you work your way up to a friend or lover of God? Where am I now? Am I God’s friend or servant?