Most Orphans Want to Know Their Biological Parents
Having had a nonprofit that worked with orphans, my wife and I had the privilege of hearing many of their stories (watch a video about our time in China). One common theme for families that adopt, no matter how nearly perfect, is most adopted kids are interested in finding out about their biological parents. Recently, I saw that there is a TV reality show, Find My Family, that tracks people through the process of finding either parents or children.
One of the girls we helped in China had her mother leave her when she was six months old. This girl had heard rumors that her mother was now in the capital of the province we were in, about 50km from our farm. She said that every time she went into that city she would be looking into faces of the 8 million people in that city to see if she may run into her mother.
God is the Father of All
Every person that has ever walked the earth was created by God. In the grand scheme of things, God is their father. He breathed life into our bodies and the very air in our lungs is His. We were created in Him, through Him, and for Him (Colossians 1:15-16).
Whether we know it or not, non-Christians are seeking reconciliation with their Heavenly Father. They want to know why they are here and what they are created for. In their heart of hearts, they are longing for connection with God.
I’m not sure if we really believe this. We feel the need to convince them of their need to accept Jesus, but I feel we often doubt if they would really desire it.
People Want What We Can Be Having
Jesus came to bring us to God (1 Peter 3:18). We are ambassadors of that reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18). Jesus is life and came to give it to us abundantly (John 11:25, 14:6, 10:10). We are a light to those around us of what real life could look like drawing them to want it (Matthew 5:14-16).
Let us live in such a way we are glad we know God. Let this joy and love overflow where we couldn’t imagine anyone desiring something else (Psalm 16:11). People are looking for their place in this world. Your love and connection with God pulls at their hearts, for you have what they want!
If you are looking for more resources on this topic, try getting one of these books:
- Love Does: Discover a Secretly Incredible Life in an Ordinary World by Bob Goff
- Uninvited: Living Loved When You Feel Less Than, Left Out, and Lonely by Lysa TerKeurst
- If You Only Knew: My Unlikely, Unavoidable Story of Becoming Free by Jamie Ivey
Just finished your book, “Academy of Powerful Caregivers.” I am a Care Pastor, so your info on burnout was especially helpful. I like to teach others in the importance of coming alongside those that are hurting. Do you happen to have a companion study guide?
Dear Dan,
Thank you for your request. Unfortunately I don’t have a study guide created for this book yet. As you know I have some simple questions at the end of each chapter to get people to write down some things they want to remember. I would like to expand this to a group discussion questions. If you develop something, I would love to hear how it goes. Thanks,