Lead Your Children to Love God
There are times where we feel like we are failing. We have all been there. Here are 10 blog posts to help you raise your children to love God.
There are times where we feel like we are failing. We have all been there. Here are 10 blog posts to help you raise your children to love God.
James Robor guest posts on Hebrews 12:2 about how looking unto Jesus motivates us to seek God and positions us to hear His voice. Learn to fix your eyes.
From the beginning, the heart of God has been to dwell with man, and He created a secret place in the garden. He created that place for us to be with Him.
Words spoken over us, can affect the way we think about ourselves, others, and about the world at large. However, we do have a choice in it.
You may have setbacks. You may even forget why you’re running sometimes. But rest assured, you are further along than you think. Stay in the race.
There are days when the voices of fear, rejection, insecurity and competition seem louder than the Father’s voice over me. Who does God say I am?
I like to talk and I found out I could easily dominate my relationship with Jesus. God wants to talk, too. Here are some ways we can practice listening.
As you begin to do things you love to do, your heart will come alive. As your heart comes alive you will know what God’s heart is for you more and more.
Sometimes God allows our own subtle will to become a wilderness that we would tire of laboring for answers and listen instead to His heart by resting.
This is from a friend that walked through the process and found life on the other side. As you read, your appreciation of the kindness of God will grow.