Who Would You Love More?
I heard a traveling preacher once pose this question: “Would you rather have ten women who loved you when they felt like it, or one woman who loved you with her whole heart?”
While no self-respecting Christian male would dare to publicly answer this question wrong, it does highlight the desire of God. While He may still love the whole church who can be fickle, He showers His affection on the ones whose hearts are completely His.
God is looking for the one. “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9). Jesus instructs us not to throw our pearls before swine who will take our treasures and muddy them (Matthew 7:6). Will He not withhold some of His treasures and only give them to those whose delight is in Him?
He gives some things to those who want it. God loves our hunger for Him. He responds to it.
God Loves Some People More Than Others
I know we all believe that God loves us. But, the secret fact of Scripture is that God seems to love some of us more. Think about it: Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David, Mary, John. The Bible calls John, “the disciple Jesus loved” (John 20:2).
Did Jesus love the others too? Of course, but there was something about John. John loved to be close to Jesus. He was the one who reclines against Jesus at the last supper. Lazarus’ sister, Mary, was the same. If you draw near to God, He will draw near to you. You can’t out-love God.
This motivates my current fast. Not that I’m twisting His arm into action, but I know He responds with joy and loving-kindness to my acts of love to Him. It will not make Him love me more, but it will put me in a place where I can more readily receive all the love He wants to give.
I was trying to find an answer to my question “does God love all His kids the same?” My mom & older sister have walked more years with the Lord than me. But in all their years they havent experienced God like me. God has really loved on me with some sweet intimate love experiences. When you said “He showers His affection on the ones whose hearts are completely His” this hit me because the Lord is my all & all. He is all I desire and I dont want to hold nothing from Him. I love Him soo much!