God is With Us
With all the added commercialism, there is still the heart of Christmas: Emmanuel – God is with us. May this encourage you this season.
Our wrong view of God is the biggest thing that keeps us from prayer. These posts expose negative thinking and lead you to our loving Father.
With all the added commercialism, there is still the heart of Christmas: Emmanuel – God is with us. May this encourage you this season.
The command to renew our minds implies we have negative beliefs hindering our relationship with God. Here is what it could look like and how to overcome.
Can we look upon God’s face? Is the face of God off-limits? Follow these Bible passages that help shed light on whether God wants us to see His face.
Our main problem with prayer is we don’t know who God is. If we really knew His love and how He wants to give to us, we would have no problem with prayer.
So how are we to view the harder rules of Jesus? Try to imagine a loving father saying these things to you. Why would God try to make your life harder?
We have a God that loves to speak. Pray through these two ways to overcome God’s silence and may you be released into a greater awareness of His voice.
The multitudes believed in His name, but Jesus did not entrust Himself to them. Why the distance? How can we live so He will entrust Himself to us?
God wants a relationship with us where we are naked and not ashamed. God wants to teach us through sex, so He can pour on you the fullness of His love.
Do people who don’t know Jesus making any real impact? Is your God really this good that He would bless areas in people who don’t believe in Him?
While it seems more Christians are talking about audacious prayers and believing God for great things, it seems that have missed the secret warning label.
God’s not just casually in love with you, but most Christians miss it; He loves with a passionate, unfailing love. Read these Bible verses on God’s love for us.
The Bible tells us there is power in the name of Jesus. It enables our salvation, deliverance, and sanctification. But, what does the name of Jesus mean?