What is the Abundant Life Jesus Offers?
What is difficult with the abundant life Jesus offers is we think we know what it means and don’t often go back and look at it in context.
What is difficult with the abundant life Jesus offers is we think we know what it means and don’t often go back and look at it in context.
While we are fixated on getting the words correct or our mental focus in check, God is waiting to spend time with us. Get closer to God now.
Godly leaders can still make horrendous mistakes. David needed Nathan. Are you brave enough to protect the pastors and leaders around you?
Jesus has promised us His living water would flow within us. This article explains this and let us in on ways to live in this promise.
These questions from Romans 8 help us to apply the love of God. The love of God is the safety net you need to risk everything on Him.
While praying for others is good and needed, here are three reasons they may not want you to pray with them.
Since the Apostle Paul gave us the majority of the New Testament epistles, we can learn a lot from his teachings on prayer and the prayers he left for us to read.
Sometimes it is good to remind ourselves of what God says is true. Read through this list and choose to believe them over whatever you may feel is true.
When you have an adventure of faith, the only assurance you have is the goodness of God. All of your safety measures will be removed. God will have to come.
God is not being tossed to the side waiting for a chance to get back into the discussion. He cares about our world. How do we prepare for God’s next season?
We’ve to get beyond asking for just comfort and pleasure if we want to have impactful prayers. This is a part of a sermon by Bill Johnson of Bethel church.
Given the response of many churches, we should question whether the church is essential. What’s going on and when will the church arise and become relevant?