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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : Articles


Getting Quiet Before God

Getting Quiet Before God

    It is when we quiet our hearts we can hear the voice of God. He longs for a relationship with us and blessings us by speaking what He wants us to know.

    What God Wants - What God Does

    What God Wants vs. What God Does

      There are things that God wants to do and things that He lets happen. And, the difference between them has a lot to do with prayer. God likes our faith.

      You are not alone

      You are Not Alone

        In our need to have Him answer, we often feel we are alone and separated from Him. This hinders our prayers and adds to our anxiety in our time of need.

        Pray Psalm 1

        What Does Psalm 1 Mean for Prayer?

          This is what Psalm 1 means for prayer. You see something God wants then pray for it to happen and ask God for why it might be hindered from you.

          3 Biblical Steps to Get Yourself Out of Despair

          3 Steps to Get Yourself Out of Despair

            David gave us an example in Psalm 86 of how to get yourself our of despair. We don’t know the specific event, but we know people are trying to kill him.

            Abundant Living by Kevin Shorter

            Abundant Living by Kevin Shorter

              I have written Abundant Living for people to experience more of God’s joy over them. He has such great ideas for us if only we knew how to catch them.

              How to Love Yourself

              How I Came to Love Myself

                To those of us who haven’t easily loved ourselves, doing so hasn’t been easy. Everything we see seems to prove we are unworthy of love. How do we change?

                You have to love yourself

                You Have to Love Yourself

                  God doesn’t love others more than you; He doesn’t love you more than others. His love is massive enough for all of us to enjoy. So, please love yourself.

                  Expect Good Things from God

                  Expect Good Things From God

                    It’s wonderful my daughter asks things, but ultimately she trusts our love. Let’s present our requests to our Father and expect good things from Him.

                    PRAY Method by Pete Grieg

                    PRAY Method by Pete Greig

                      The PRAY Method was developed by Pete Greig of the 24/7 prayer movement. This method gives a wonderful process to enhance and empower your prayers.