I recently got to hear Pete Greig speak on his upcoming book about prayer. Greig is the founder of the 24-7 Prayer movement which has established a movement of non-stop prayer since 1999, and his book will be about the PRAY method. I’ll give you a taste of it here, but be on the look out for the book as he will give much more details about each step and examples from the 24/7 movement.
The PRAY Method
The PRAY method is broken into four steps, conveniently spelling out the word pray: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield. Like the ACTS of prayer, this framework gives a great foundation for people new to prayer or wishing to expand their awareness of prayer potential. Here is how this method can help you gain confidence in your prayers.
P – Pause
He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.” – Psalm 46:10
I like the start to this method being pause. With all we are doing and the busyness all around us, taking some time to pause quickly reminds us of who we are coming before. It reminds me of the beginning verses of Ecclesiastes 5 where we are encouraged to listen as we go before God and let our words be few.
Greig encourages us to deliberately relax and breathe deeply. Studies show we think better when we are relaxed and in a state of peace. With regards to prayer this puts us in a better position to receive from the Lord.
One way to slow down in this way is to pray a prayer phrase (e.g. “my heart is yours, O Lord”), pray a verse (e.g. “renew a right spirit within me”), or pray in the Spirit.
R – Rejoice
Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! – Philippians 4:4
After you have taken some time to pause and reflect, rejoicing is a natural outflow. God is worthy of all of our praise. Before we have even voiced any request to Him, He is good and has been good to us.
Even when we don’t feel like it, rejoicing in the Lord is the right thing to do. It corrects our perspective and reminds us who God is.
Reading Psalms and singing worship songs are great vehicles to motivate our praise. However don’t neglect times of working in your own words. Other people’s words can help lead you to God, but using your own words builds deep wells of intimacy within your heart.
A – Ask
You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it. – John 14:14
If you have done the previous two steps, by the time you get to what you want to ask, your heart is in a better position. You are not demanding God to perform for you; you are coming to your Heavenly Father to have Him take care of you.
Just remember that God is not on our timetable. If you don’t receive what you ask for, doesn’t mean it wasn’t His will or that He doesn’t want to give it to you. God delights in our perseverance.
So unless He tells you otherwise, just keep asking.
Y – Yield
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. – Romans 12:1
We will never ask for everything perfectly, but having a heart that surrenders to God puts you into a position where God can translate your requests for things for your good.
In your times of prayer, wherever you feel Him leading, follow Him. This may have you pray outrageous prayers. You may think there is no way for that to happen – ignore those doubts and pray in faith. Yielding yourself to His leading in prayer is the start of a fun adventure.
Say yes to God and become your prayers. My wife and I prayed many years for orphan girls in China. This lead us to try to adopt and eventually to move to China. For you, it may be to lead a small group or take groceries to the widow down the street. Allow God to speak to your heart; He wants your to experience the joy of partnering with Him.
The PRAY Method by Pete Greig
If you enjoyed this write up, please go buy How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People, Pete Greig’s book where this comes from.
- Pause
- Rejoice
- Ask
- Yield
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Thanks very much, I found this helpful. I always enjoy your page. Blessings, Gail Wilson