9 Truths That Add Power to Your Prayer for Peace
Enjoy this sample prayer for peace and take away 9 truths to add power to your own prayers. Embolden your faith for peace from the Bible.
Enjoy this sample prayer for peace and take away 9 truths to add power to your own prayers. Embolden your faith for peace from the Bible.
We are not transformed by the patterns of this world. We give a constant ‘no’ to the world every time we take time to what the world would call nothing.
We all know Phil 4:6-7 tells us don’t be anxious but pray. However when we pray, we don’t always experience the peace. Here is closer look at Paul’s words.
If want to work out of rest, you have to spend time with Jesus. He’ll change your perspective, extend your time & resources, and give supernatural results.
We talk about red flags, blind spots, and trouble areas. Freedom in Christ scares us. Failure scares us even more. We need some regard for human frailty.
God communicates Himself to us in proportion as we are prepared to receive Him. – Inspire yourself with these 40 Madame Guyon quotes on prayer.
We pour our hearts out in a one-side communication to our God who we hope has affection for us. Our prayers are cast out into the empty sea of quietness.
The Bible is consistently telling us do not be afraid. Moses, Joshua, Mary, Paul, and others heard God telling them this. Why is this? What is our response?
Jesus prayed that we would be one, yet we get caught up with denominations that tend to create barriers between Christians. How do we come together?
Promises to ourselves are designed to distance us from our pain, but what they really accomplish is to distance us from God and the life He has for us.
Thanksgiving prepares you to experience God, for more blessing from God, for the peace of God, for God’s joy, and to hear from God.
Prayer should never be a source of discouragement for us. | The reason people don’t go to God is they don’t believe He is for them. | More Kevin Shorter quotes: