This is the fourth part of Trisha Cwir’s guest series on the secret place. You can go here to check out her the full series at the Secret Place.
The Secret Place is a Sacrifice
Then He said to them all, “Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.” – (Luke 9:23)
That verse is so convicting because sometimes I can’t think of how did I take up my cross today. Maybe I didn’t eat that brownie that I wanted. Is that taking up my cross? I hope so. Because that was hard, you know? ☺
But I think there is a powerful way that we can take up our cross by actually sacrificing our time.
The Pattern of This World
Therefore I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy to offer your body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world. – (Romans 12:1-2)
What is the pattern of the world? To sacrifice your body to everything that the world says you should sacrifice it for. Work from 8 in the morning until 1 in the morning. And, you know, just give yourself to this life, so that you have no time to spend on God.
And the world will tell you that you should keep accruing more and more and more and that’s good. But there is no point. There is no point. Because we don’t take any of it with us when we leave.
Not Conforming to World’s Pattern
The only thing we can take with us is our hearts and what we collected in the secret places, the tabernacles of our hearts. So we are not transformed by the patterns of this world. We actually give a constant ‘no’ to the world every time we take time to what the world would call nothing.
Nothing is Everything
But we are in that place saying I’m willing to do nothing with my time right now, if God will come fill me and help me for whatever is to come upon the earth. I’m willing to do nothing right now if that is what God asks me to do, because, nothing is really everything. It really is everything. We can’t do anything without Him, so doing nothing is what we need to do. Do nothing!
Of course, you have to pray and stir yourself up in the most holy faith, but I tell you the most powerful times I’ve personally have ever spent in the secret place have been doing nothing. Where you just rest. You know what God, You are God and I am not. Hurray! I don’t have to do this alone. Thank You, Jesus. I can’t do this alone. I can’t do this alone. We can’t do this alone.
Trisha’s Prayer for You
So, God constantly be our reminder. God, I just ask right now that You would constantly be our reminder day in and day out that we cannot do this alone. That You would nudge us into that secret place. That if we have ten minutes between our one meeting and the next meeting that we wouldn’t use it for Facebook, but that we would go into the closet and shut the door.
God would you help us dedicate our time to You, God. Give us the grace. We can’t even have time to wait and do nothing without Your grace to do nothing. We understand that God. We acknowledge our complete lack of ability without You. And we ask for the hunger and the desire for the secret place in our hearts, God.
Hunger and desire. Cause we know that You will meet us. Because this is why You died. You died to meet us in the secret places of our heart.
Your blood speaks a better word. You blood speaks life over us. And we are pure. We can come before You, holy and blameless. Because our conscious are sprinkled with the blood.
Thank you so much. Just what I needed to hear. It’s amazing that God could actually tell one to stand still and DO NOTHING!! Just waiting and submitting to his process by aligning with his will..