God, do you really have my back?
Have you ever been in a situation where you say you trust God, but life makes you wonder, “God, do you really have my back?”
Have you ever been in a situation where you say you trust God, but life makes you wonder, “God, do you really have my back?”
God has called each of to a wonderful plan for our lives. You were created for a purpose. Find out how to live the life you were made for.
Jesus’ interaction with the Canaanite woman gives clues for us on how to approach God in prayer when He seems reluctant to answer.
Joshua didn’t give a knee-jerk prayer. He looked for God’s heart, connected with Him there, and was awarded with his prayers answered. How can we apply this?
While we are fixated on getting the words correct or our mental focus in check, God is waiting to spend time with us. Get closer to God now.
These questions from Romans 8 help us to apply the love of God. The love of God is the safety net you need to risk everything on Him.
Since the Apostle Paul gave us the majority of the New Testament epistles, we can learn a lot from his teachings on prayer and the prayers he left for us to read.
We find it easier to think God is against us rather than being for us. Read several examples of what this may look like in our lives. What will you believe?
There is often no excitement about going to a prayer meeting. Let’s look at 2 Chr. 7:14 for instruction on how to have enjoyable, effective prayer meetings.
“God wants us to push the limits of what we can ask or imagine.” – Check out 30 faith-sized quotes on prayer by Steven Furtick (Get 50 on a PDF)
Thanksgiving provides a great reminder to be grateful, but we may still struggle. These 10 experts share ways to stay thankful this Thanksgiving.
To pray for hope and faith, it’s good to pray outloud who God is and how He views you. It gives your faith something to hold onto until you really believe.