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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : easter


How God Motivates Us Not to Sin

How Does God Motivate Us Not to Sin?

    We use accountability, consequences, shame, and guilt to motivate people not to sin. But, what does God use? How does God motivate us not to sin?


    What Motivated Gethsemane?

      Jesus at Gethsemane needed something before going through the suffering that He could only get from prayer. He reoriented rulership of His spirit over body.

      Resurrection Sunday Dance

        But as I thought of the power of dance, I was almost overwhelmed by what they were creating. There were declaring that they had something to celebrate. Jesus is alive and we have reason to dance! Enjoy.

        The Passion of Jesus

        The Passion of Jesus

          The passion of Jesus shows how much He loves you. Is there any good thing God wants to withhold from you that wasn’t paid for at the Cross?

          Why Jesus Washed Their Feet

          Why Jesus Washed Their Feet

            Jesus was not only giving an example of servanthood, He was also giving an example of identity. Service in the midst of knowing your identity portrays love.

            Where is God When Heaven is Silent

              …Although seasons in our lives when God is silent may be important in our spiritual growth, they can also be deeply disturbing. As a result we often attempt to solve the problem of God’s silence with simplistic explanations of complex situations, lopsided applications of Scripture and platitudes of premature comfort. We are afraid to simply wait with the mess of problems unresolved until God Himself unmistakably intervenes, as He did on Easter Sunday.

              God Moved the Stone

              Why Did God Move the Stone?

                Taking on the heart of flesh requires moving out of the heart of stone. The stone has been removed, but you need to move out of the tomb.