Come, Lord Jesus.
– Revelation 22:20b
William Gedney Photographs and Writings
Duke University Rare Book, Manuscript, and Special Collections Library
As Christians we all desire revival. At least we profess to this desire. But, what do you think a true revival from God will look like? For some people a revival will look like the above image. For others it will come with mass conversions to Christ. And still some others it is when a guest preacher is in town.
Let me start by saying something pretty controversial: we do not all want revival to come. How can I say this? There is one thing I do know about revival, and it is when revival comes Jesus is in charge. And if Jesus will is in charge, that means that you and I are not. Therefore, since I know there are many Christians not willing to give up control of their lives, then they do not really want revival.
So how do we get ourselves to want Jesus to be in complete charge? I believe we need to come to the place where we believe what Jesus wants is what is truly best for us.
- Does He want you to talk to your boss about Christ?
- Does He want you to downsize your house so that you have more money to give to the poor?
- Does He want your to tell your spouse about the dark sin in your past?
I am not saying He will ask any of that of you, but if He does, will you believe that He is only asking something that will be for your good? When the rich young ruler approached Jesus about what he must do to get eternal life. Jesus told him to sell all he had. The man walked away because he did not want to make that kind of commitment (Matthew: 19:16-29).
It is impossible to please God without faith and we must believe that He rewards those who seeks Him (Hebrews 11:6). God wants what is best for us. God created us, so He know what is best for us. We just need to trust Him that He knows what He is doing.
I stated this post with Revelation 22:20 because I believe that when Jesus comes revival will happen. I’m not talking about the rapture, but I mean His experiential presence. He loves faith. It is our expression of love to Him.
What will it look like when revival comes to your church, your city, or your life? It will not only be people coming to Christ; it will be people giving more and more of themselves over to Christ. For Him to take charge of and to bring healing to. Because Jesus loves us fully, whatever it will look like will be desirable for those who have already given themselves over to Him.
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