This is a guest post from Erin Nelson. She a good friend of our family and a board member of our non-profit, Josiah’s Covenant. Her writing will draw you into her experience and her introspection will draw you into her experience with God. Get ready to be released into more He has for you. Through Him you are victorious!
The Race Was On
It was here that I waited in lake blue, I saw them, kayak red my husband and my littlest, a race was on. I looked down at my daughter and said, ‘let’s beat them!’ I prayed to God and laughed full as I pushed the paddle deep. We were cruising, faster than I have ever managed with these tiny womanly hands, the waves created by our blue kayak crashed fiercely, “Wow,” I thought in awe as we left them far behind. Soon my hands grew tired, my mind called me to other places while the finish waited close by. I slowed, I was weary, I caught my husband’s eye as I looked back, he waved, I slowed and chatted as he caught up, he looked at me a smile ornery and swiftly pushed ahead of us, he left me there and he won! When my daughter and I reached the shore line, my guy says to me, “I knew if I just distracted you, you wouldn’t finish, you don’t finish things!’
Truth Hits Hard
Truth hits hard, pouring in, sometimes leaving you bare, chapped and raw as vulnerability takes hold… to me ‘the great unfinisher,’ from anything to dishes soaking in water once warm now cold, to words written to pages left bare, to dreams hidden, barely believed in, to exhaustion taking hold and a fear taking a heart covering it in shadows angry roots. Awareness hit my soul hard as I realized, the darkened prince of this world, he knows I get distracted easy… My heart felt sad as I mourned this truth and then He my Creator whispered into soul still young, “I love you!”
Those three simple words took root as pages rough, worn and tear soaked slowly turned, quietly a story is being rewritten, created in joy as I whispered passionately back into my Fathers heart, “I will be victorious! Not all will go unfinished for I have you and with you I can do anything!”
How Did You Do It?
That evening I am tucked in close to my husband and he says, “So how did you do it?” “What?” I ask confused. “How did you kayak so fast, it’s just not possible. I am much stronger than you?” “Awe,” I say, “We both know I am an expert!” I smile, pondering in my heart truth, I may have failed the race, but you see there is this girl, eyes brown and in the middle of a mountain lake blue, I asked and believed in Him, I asked God right there in the midst of life ordinary to guide my hands and help me to be fast and He did, I felt it, my kayak flew across water cool, for I called out to Him.
Even though I grew weary, I gave in and I lost, today and tomorrow I hope to etch deep on my soul His truth and to seek Him always in things mundane, sad, joy filled to heavy laden and someday, in the end as I approach a new adventure, they will call out my name and it will not carry with it, ‘the great unfinisher,’ for I am more than the things of this world, for I am His and through Him I am victorious!
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