PRAY Method by Pete Greig
The PRAY Method was developed by Pete Greig of the 24/7 prayer movement. This method gives a wonderful process to enhance and empower your prayers.
The PRAY Method was developed by Pete Greig of the 24/7 prayer movement. This method gives a wonderful process to enhance and empower your prayers.
If want to work out of rest, you have to spend time with Jesus. He’ll change your perspective, extend your time & resources, and give supernatural results.
Work was cursed, but every curse was placed upon Jesus so we didn’t have to live under it. If it’s not cursed, then does God intend us to work this hard?
Too often we don’t notice when God has moved to something else or is no longer with us. If you feel alone from God, try these 5 ways to find God:
Sometimes God allows our own subtle will to become a wilderness that we would tire of laboring for answers and listen instead to His heart by resting.
Rest is God’s presence. This is the secret of not getting ahead of God. When His presence moves, we move. We must keep a watchful eye on His presence.
The problem with rest is that we have the definition wrong. We think rest is doing nothing. Jesus defined rest as doing only what He saw His Father doing.