How are Christians to View Aging?
In a few months, I will turn the monumental 40 years old. This is not over the hill. The wearing down of our bodies is not God’s plan. What is His plan?
In a few months, I will turn the monumental 40 years old. This is not over the hill. The wearing down of our bodies is not God’s plan. What is His plan?
Christmas is a time of hope. Jesus came to bring light into the darkness, yet darkness still persists. How can the entrance of hope bring such pain?
I decided to do a Top 10 List this year to satisfy my interest and help those new to Prayer Coach find articles they may not have known existed. This list has been compiled by looking at pageviews on posts for this year. I also took into account Facebook likes and Twitter shares.
Last week my only brother unexpectedly went to be with the Lord. Here is my eulogy for my brother as it may help others that have lost loved ones.