Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. – James 4:8a
One of my favorite promises of Scripture is that God will draw near to us if we draw near to Him. We cannot out-pursue God. He loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. Therefore whenever we come near to Him, we are assured He will respond.
There is a song by Matt Stinton called Draw Near that makes a statement about making a place for God. That place is made through movement toward God. As we seek Him we can know that we are making a place suitable for Him to come. This is why God is attracted to worship. It is not that He is needing praise, but He knows it is a response of hearts devoted to Him.
All Things are Possible Here Now
This song ends with a declaration that all things are possible here. Once we draw near to God and prepared a place for Him, He comes. And when He comes, all things are now possible.
Worship is a prerequisite to any ministry. You don’t want to limit your ministry to what only you can do. Prepare a place for God to come to enable the impossible to be possible. It affects those around you and gives you strength. This is food Jesus talks about in John 4. By ministering in the power of God, we partake in more of Him.
Jesus Invites Us to Eat His Flesh
God has prepared a banqueting table for us and the meal is Him. Yet, His meal is us. We are to delight in each other. When Jesus invites us to eat His flesh and drink His blood, we are to take in His very being (John 6:53-57). Our love is to be so encompassing that there is nothing He has that we don’t want.
The supernatural life that we are called to is nothing more than getting all of God that you can by giving Him all of you. God is ready and desiring to come even more. He loves you.
Test Him in this. Draw near…