1. God has told me that I can always pray for one thing: to expand our hearts to love more.
2. God wants us to pray in such a way that we have to immediately remind ourselves of God’s infinite greatness so that we don’t freak out.
Eugene Peterson Quote
Thomas Hooker Quote
7. A changed world begins with us… and a changed us begins when we pray.
8. Prayer is my chief work, and it is by means of it that I carry on the rest.
Steve Backlund Quote
Billy Graham Quote
9. What we believe after we pray is just as important as what believe when we pray.
10. Prayer is more than a wish; it is the voice of faith directed to God.
Kevin Shorter Quote
Hudson Taylor Quote
11. Worry is so deadly because it saps the strength from your faith.
12. I used to ask God to help me. Then I asked if I might help Him. I ended up by asking Him to do His work through me.
Kevin Shorter Quote
Matt Woodley Quote
13. If you want to experience all of God, you need to experience all of life because God uses everything to get you to experience more of Him.
14. Prayer is actually a real encounter with the untamable God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and therefore our experience of it should reflect the power, mystery, and even risk of entering into relationship with the Lord of the universe.
Wayne Cordeiro Quote
Horatius Bonar Quote
15. Prayer is thinking deeply about something in the presence of God.
16. It is most unsafe to make our ideas about ‘the possible’ our standard in measuring Scripture.
Graham Cooke Quote
Eugene Peterson Quote
17. Once you get to know God, you’ll never want to stop the conversation.
18. The first step toward God is a step away from the lies of the world.
Kevin Shorter Quote
Steven Furtick Quote
19. Prayer should never be a source of discouragement for us.
20. One of the most glaring discrepancies in the Christian faith today is between the size of our God and the size of our prayers.
Samuel Chadwick Quote
Shawn Bolz Quote
21. A season of silence is the best preparation for speech with God.
22. The goal of Revelation is so simple: see what God sees, hear what God hears, speak what God says so we can all love the God loves.
Kevin Shorter Quote
Leonard Ravenhill Quote
23. There is nothing in you that God doesn’t love. Take risks to reveal more of yourself to others.
24. The secret of praying is praying in secret.
Francis Frangipane Quote
Beni Johnson Quote
27. Our prayer simply aligns us with what is already God’s great pleasure to give us.
28. When we pray from a place of peace and not fear, we will see fruit.
Bill Johnson Quote
Henry Blackaby Quote
29. Prayers that don’t move you, won’t move Him.
30. As we pray and as our attention is turned toward God, we become more receptive to aligning our lives with His will.
Charles Stanley Quote
Brother Lawrence Quote
31. To have God speak to the heart is a majestic experience, an experience that people may miss if they monopolize the conversation and never pause to hear God’s responses.
32. One way to re-collect the mind easily in the time of prayer and preserve it more in tranquility, is not to let it wander too far at other times.
James Macdonald Quote
R.C. Sproul Quote
33. Meet with the Lord personally and daily so that when you go into your day, it’s with a sense of His presence.
34. If we fill our minds with His Word, our inarticulate stammers will change to accomplished patterns of meaningful praise.
Mark Batterson Quote
Rick Warren Quote
35. Sometimes loving God with all your heart simply means listening to your heart instead of your head.
36. Explanations don’t bring comfort. The love and presence of God does.
Doug Addison Quote
Beth Moore Quote
41. The purpose of us hearing God is to know Him better and help others do the same.
42. Believe it or not, the ultimate goal God has for us is not power but personal intimacy with Him.
Steve Backlund Quote
Kevin Shorter Quote
43. Our hope levels are indicators of whether we are believing truth or lies.
44. Hope is essential for the Christian life. when we have lost hope, we have lost God’s perspective.
Misty Edwards Quote
Trisha Cwir Quote
45. He is God, He holds the key, and that’s just the deal. Sometimes, He is more interested in the conversation than in giving the solution.
46. When you go into the secret place, you are hidden from the evils of the world.
Bill Johnson Quote
Mark Batterson Quote
47. If you’re not having fun, you need to back up and find out where you left Jesus.
48. Prayer is the mechanism whereby God ideas are conceived and captured.
Tim Keller Quote
Kevin Shorter Quote
49. Religious people find God useful. Christians find God beautiful.
50. Effective prayer is not getting what you ask, but entering into the throne room of God.
Brennan Manning Quote
Shawn Bolz Quote
51. The grace to let go and let God flows from trust in His boundless love.
52. The goal of the prophetic is to see people the way God always longed for them to be seen and, from that revelation, to treat them out of His culture of love so that they will want to be the version of themselves we see.
Heidi Baker Quote
Doug Addison Quote
53. All fruitfulness flows from intimacy.
54. Whatever you focus on becomes your reality, whether it is based on reality or not.
The Kneeling Christian Quote
Richard Foster Quote
55. As we lift up our soul in prayer to the living God, we gain the beauty of holiness as surely as a flower becomes beautiful by living in the sunlight.
56. Real prayer comes not from gritting our teeth but from falling in love.
Joaquin Evans Quote
Bill Johnson Quote
57. Faith isn’t just what you believe, it’s what you expect.
58. His goodness is beyond our ability to comprehend, but not our ability to experience. Our hearts will take us where our heads can’t fit.
Allison Shorter Quote
Kevin Shorter Quote
59. As we see ourselves as God sees us, we are freed up from striving and we begin to simply enjoy His Presence.
60. Prayer does not change God’s will; it taps into it and enables it.
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Is it OK to copy the quotes from the website? We have a small variable space in our bulletins for prayer topics and I would like to incorporate quotes and bible verses on prayer. I would be copying them initially into a word document,then sending it to the church secretary to incorporate into the electronic bulletin document and them finally to the printed bulletin.
Is it OK to copy the quotes from the website? We have a small variable space in our bulletins for prayer topics and I would like to incorporate quotes and bible verses on prayer. I would be copying them initially into a word document,then sending it to the church secretary to incorporate into the electronic bulletin document and them finally to the printed bulletin.
Yes, you are welcome to use the quotes. I only ask that you make sure to share the author of the quotes.