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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : worldview : Page 25


We all have a worldview from which we live. How does the Bible affect your view of life, God, and self?

Where is God When Heaven is Silent

    …Although seasons in our lives when God is silent may be important in our spiritual growth, they can also be deeply disturbing. As a result we often attempt to solve the problem of God’s silence with simplistic explanations of complex situations, lopsided applications of Scripture and platitudes of premature comfort. We are afraid to simply wait with the mess of problems unresolved until God Himself unmistakably intervenes, as He did on Easter Sunday.

    God Moved the Stone

    Why Did God Move the Stone?

      Taking on the heart of flesh requires moving out of the heart of stone. The stone has been removed, but you need to move out of the tomb.


      The Power of Forgiveness

        By withholding forgiveness I could very well be hindering God’s provision and plan for those I care about. The power of forgiveness is the path of life.

        Things Are Not What They Seem

          We live in two worlds—or better, in one world with two parts, one part that we can see and one part that we cannot. We are urged, for our own welfare, to act as though the unseen world (the rest of reality) is, in fact, more weighty and more real and more dangerous than the part of reality we can see.

          Path Not Intended

          The Path Not Intended to Travel

            Did God want Abraham to kill Isaac? Was David supposed to kill Saul? Does God lead us into situations we are to choose to say no?

            What are You Afraid to Ask God

            What Are You Afraid to Ask God For?

              If you do not see God is good, you will not ask Him for things you care about. If you are afraid He will not come through, you will not persevere in prayer.

              IHOP Allyson Prior

              Love You Rightly by Allyson Prior

                Love You Rightly by Allyson Prior has had a great effect stirring up devotion in me personally as I have listened to it repeatedly. I hope it blesses you.

                Seeking Jesus in Our Circumstances

                Seeking Jesus In Our Circumstances

                  Pursue God to help give you understanding. It was this kind of pursuit that was rewarded for Mary with a visitation from Jesus. Jesus loves to be pursued.

                  God Works for Good

                  God Works All Things For Good

                    How do we interpret life? Life is had and bad things happen. Still we have to hold fast to the truth that God works all things for good!