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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : what is prayer? : Page 8

what is prayer?

Sometimes giving definition to prayer helps expand your view of it.


The Ones Who Have Gone Before Us

    We all have those who have gone before us that have helped paved the way for us to be who we are and where we are today. Others sacrifice so we live.

    I Do Not Have a Peace About It

    I Do Not Have a Peace About It

      God calls us to do things that are beyond ourselves. This stretching will make us uncomfortable. Saying I do not have a peace about it will lead us astray.

      Tim Keller's Thoughts on Daily Prayer

        I appreciated how he dealt with not keeping to his plan. He just laid it out there. It happens, but he strives to maintain the routine because he know he is effected by it.

        What Kids Prayers Can Teach Us – Part 2

          Here are some things this practice has taught me:

          1. I have learned how important it is to pray Scripture over my children. It is broadening out my prayers for the girls more than what I naturally would think on my own.
          2. I am reminded how important a routine is for kids. If I feel like it is late and try to skip this part of the prayers, she lets me know.


          Maundy Thursday Service

          Maundy Thursday

            Maundy Thursday reminds us of what Jesus went through leaving His glory and taking on our sins. Check out aspects of the service and how it can grow faith.

            Who is speaking, God or the devil?

            Whose Voice are You Listening To?

              The voice of God, even when exposing sin, offers hope and life. The voice of the enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Whose voice are you listening to?

              Unbiblical Goals in Prayer

                Most of us want happy, comfortable lives, but is this what God wants for us? Do we have unbiblical goals in prayer? Are you praying for the right things?

                Word of God Living and Active

                The Word of God is Living and Active

                  The Word of God most definitely means the Scripture, but it also means so much more. Looking at the book of Hebrews we pull out the writer’s intentions.