“I just don’t want to get ahead of God. I’m just not sure which way He is leading, so I’m just waiting.”
We have all heard people say these things; we may have even said them ourselves. The more I walk with God, I think that God is generally not so concerned if we get ahead of Him. I think He is just happy to see movement.
Now there are times God does have us to wait, but for the most part, if we are seeking God’s heart and wanting to honor Him in our actions, we are free with our actions. This doesn’t mean we can be selfish and careless with our sin – there was a condition of wanting to honor God. What it does mean is that if you are trying to do what is right in God’s eyes, He is not worried about what we will do.
There’s the story of Peter in the garden. The guards come to arrest Jesus. They have so much trouble keeping their feet that Jesus has to lead them through the arrest. Peter sees their weakness and seizes the opportunity to attack. He cuts off one of the servant’s ear.
Peter in this moment is moving in the complete outside direction of God. Jesus is moving to the cross. Peter is trying to keep Him alive.
The point that is sticking out to me is that even though Peter was heading in the wrong direction, Jesus stops him, corrects his mistake and moves on (Luke 22:50-52).
Too many people are paralyzed from stepping outside the will of God for fear of adding years of extra pain or delaying promised blessings… if not missing things altogether. I believe this is distorted view of the heart of our Father. God wants to bless us. He wants us to live out the destiny He planted in us.
Imagine if my daughter wanted to create a card for me, and she pulls out pictures from my wedding album to card up to decorate the card. Should I punish her from ever being able to make me a card again? There will be some instruction needed, but I would encourage her heart to create something special for her daddy. “If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him” (Luke 11:13)!
I want you to know something… God loves you more than you can even imagine!