A Shocking Fact About Non-Christians
We feel the need to convince non-Christians of their need to accept Jesus, but we often doubt if they would really desire it. Here’s a shocking truth:
We feel the need to convince non-Christians of their need to accept Jesus, but we often doubt if they would really desire it. Here’s a shocking truth:
We often view unsaved people as sinners that we scare to salvation, but there’s no room for fear in a kingdom of love. God views unsaved people differently.
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Sometimes we are so caught up in trying to convince people of the Gospel that we forget to give people a chance to experience Jesus for themselves.
God is not pushing people away because of their sin. He wants to wrap them in His arms and wipe away every tear. Stop giving power to sin and let love win.
Our calling is to love others with the love that we have received. We received it freely, lavishly, and without expecting anything in return.
God is in the business of changing lives. Tap into His heart by praying through this list of 15 things to pray for your friends that do not yet know Jesus.