Offering Hope and Future to Orphans
Orphans naturally feel unwanted. They feel that have no past and no future. The best to hope for is to get by. We want to give them a hope and a future.
Orphans naturally feel unwanted. They feel that have no past and no future. The best to hope for is to get by. We want to give them a hope and a future.
God removed the shame of sin so we may be free. Free to move past our mistakes. Free to focus on what God wants us to focus on… our relationship with Him.
Grace is the power to live to God’s standard. Grace came through Jesus, came on the disciples, provided by God, and we can grow in it.
So many are hungry to hear the voice of God, desperate for something to bring understanding to their situations. Why can’t God speak up?
If we bring fear into the equation, love is going to leave. Fear casts out love. People eventually rebel when motivated by fear; love keeps us motivated.
When we see that we have a loving Father who loves to give good gifts, we will have joy in our prayer lives. God is ready to give more than we deserve.
The Shack by William Paul Young does a great job getting past our preconceived ideas about God and challenges the lies that we believe about Him.
When we placed our lives in Christ, we exchanged our lives for His. We have no more fear of judgment of sins. We now deserve everything God died to give.