After six years of running the prayer coach blog, we have had many questions about prayer through the comments, contact us page, and Facebook. While we have done our best to thoughtfully answer these questions, it is time to tap into the wisdom of the community.
In order to connect all of our wise readers into one place, we have formed a closed Facebook group where we can share questions and grow from one another’s insight. We will start the group by adding questions from our end once or twice a week. Group members can add their own questions about prayer to the group as well.
A Few Community Expectations
We will have a few rules to add to the enjoyment of everyone in the group.
1. Be kind and respectful. While there is a good chance we will not agree completely with each other, you will be expected to treat other people’s opinions with respect. Rude, argumentative, and demeaning comments will be removed. We don’t expect a problem with this group, but we felt the expectation should be explicit.
2. No marketing. There will be times when a book or article can be helpful to the conversation, if so please use your own words to describe why that specific items would relate to the discussion before adding the link. Abuse of this policy will get you banned.
Having said this, there are some great resources maintained by the Prayer Coach community of readers, which you would more than likely enjoy finding out about. Feel free to make connections. If there are people whose comments really benefit you, feel free to ask if they have additional resources you can check out.
3. All discussions will relate to prayer. This is a broad subject as we communicate with God all through our lives. Still if you are looking for discussions on missional vs seeker-sensitive or free-will vs predestination, there are other resources online. The desire of this community is to help push one another to a deeper relationship with God.
4. Prayer requests. Since we love prayer, many in this group would love to pray for you. However please be respectful and not dominating the group with your own requests. Be willing to share your own insight and prayers with others as well.
We have a lot of excitement starting this group. Many of you have a deep and long relationship with God and your experiences and studies will add greatly to the larger body of Christ.
If you are interested in joining the group, please click this link to request to be added. We would love to have you to be a part. Thank you.