Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
is one the best books I have read on parenting. So many books on parenting are focused on getting your kids to act right. Tripp looks at the root causes of disobedience and allows them to be the focus of parenting.
So often we judge how well we are doing with God by our behavior. Have we stayed clean this week? God is more focused on our heart than our behavior. The law says do not commit murder, but I say… The law say do not commit adultery, but I say… Jesus wants us to know that it is not a matter of just doing the right things, but He wants our hearts. As parents we so easily get sidetracked with our kid’s behavior instead of heart issues.
This book helps provide a balanced focus on our parenting. It identifies some common methods of parenting and how they don’t address the heart issues. Oftentimes these other methods draw our children further from God. This book is a great topic for group discussion. I have attached a Bible study that I used for a parents of preschoolers class below. I strongly encourage this to be a must read for parents.