Prayer Quotes – Oswald Chambers
Be inspired by Utmost for My highest author, Oswald Chambers’ quotes on prayer. Enjoy these 25 quotes or request to get our full list of over 100 prayer quotes by Oswald Chambers.
Be inspired by Utmost for My highest author, Oswald Chambers’ quotes on prayer. Enjoy these 25 quotes or request to get our full list of over 100 prayer quotes by Oswald Chambers.
Want to be inspired by many great pastors and theologians? Check out these 70 quotes on how they define what prayer is.
Oswald Chambers is the author of the popular devotional My Utmost for His Highness. Here are 30 inspirational prayer quotes; also request over 100 more.
Oswald Chambers encourages us to pray, reassures prayer is effective, and reminds us how we come to God in prayer. As he says, prayer is the greater work.