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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : The Jesus Church – Men’s Group – Fall 2023

The Jesus Church – Men’s Group – Fall 2023

Fall of 2023

  1. Guarding Your Thoughts – Holding to God’s Truth (mp3 – 33.3 Mb)
  2. The Johari Window (mp3 – 32.6 Mb)
  3. Encouraging Change (mp3 – 25.1 Mb)
  4. Power of Thankfulness (mp3 – 27.1 Mb)

Power of Shame Audio Series

  1. Conviction That Brings Change  (mp3 – 26.1 Mb)
  2. Replacing the Lies of Shame  (mp3 – 37.4 Mb)
  3. Breaking Your Inner Vows  (mp3 – 22.7 Mb)
  4. Power to Remove Shame  (mp3 – 29.2 Mb)
  5. Walking Out Your Freedom (mp3 – 20.1 Mb)

Redding Men’s Group Talks

Calling Dreams Alive
Calling Dreams Alive
Controlling Your Imagination
Controlling Your Imagination