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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : Free Gift from the Prayer Coach Blog

Free Gift from the Prayer Coach Blog

The Ocean of God's Love

Thank you for signing up to the Prayer Coach blog. As you read this blog, you will find that we like to enjoy our relationship with God. The attached picture was a drawing that I did while worshiping with my daughters. In the ocean of God’s love, His presence is crashing in on us and drawing us deeper in. You can go back through the archives to read past post, or you can check out the Prayer Resources page for a quick review of information you may like.

Your Free Gift

As a thank you, we would like you to have this message on 2 Ways to Add Power to Your Prayers. God wants our prayers to be effective and powerful. This message will look at the Parable of the Sower to encourage your personal prayers. We pray that you find it encouraging and practical.

Download Your Free Message

2 Ways to Add Power to Your Prayers
2 Ways to Add Power to Your Prayers

Here are the individual mp3 files that are in the zip download:

  1. Introduction  (mp3 – 3.2 Mb)
  2. Parable of the Sower Revisited  (mp3 – 2.8 Mb)
  3. The Word of God  (mp3 – 2.9 Mb)
  4. What Every Christian Needs to Know  (mp3 – 3.2 Mb)
  5. Practical Examples of Seed  (mp3 – 3.6 Mb)
  6. The Two Ways of Powerful Prayer  (mp3 – 2.5 Mb)
  7. Jesus’ Example – Our Motivation  (mp3 – 4.6 Mb)

Please feel free to reach out to us in the comments of each post with your questions or encouragement. We appreciate your connection. Thanks again.


Get These Prayer Coach Resources on Amazon

Simplicity Fun and Art Move Hand of God
How fun can move the hand of God
Prayer Quotes Inspiration
inspire your prayers
 Completely Free from Any Addiction
How to Be Completely Free from Any Addiction