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Prayer Coach Prayer Coach : what is prayer? : intercession needs : Message to the Blog Family

Message to the Blog Family

    Prayer Google Results

    Since the start of this blog, I have been continually amazed at the response I have gotten and the number of visits that comes through people randomly finding the different posts. Because of the loyalty of you coming to the site and reading the posts, search engines are determining this site as an authority on prayer and hearing from God. Therefore many of the visits from the search engines are catching people at important crossroads of their relationships with God. Their emails and comments support my belief that if people really understood the heart of God for them, then they would naturally pray.

    Here are some search terms and ranking people have found the site:

    How can you help?

    1. Write Comments.

    This may seem to be a simple request, but search engines see comments are support for the post. Even simple comments that just express your support of what was written helps add into the search engine ranking formulas.

    2. Share Posts.

    Obviously shares provide more visibility to articles, but again each share is added into the search engine ranking algorithms. You may not think your social network is large enough to have an impact, but each share is important. If you find a post you like, like it to Facebook, tweet about it, and/or pin it. You are helping spread the content to not only your friends, but also helping people find it in their time of need.

    3. Write Posts.

    While I feel I have a high standard of what goes on this blog, many of you are skilled to easily exceed my expectations. Also, you have you own personal experiences with God that would help push others closer to God. For those wanting to have a place to tell your story, please contact me through the comments below. I would ask that you keep it about prayer or a relationship with God, and also remove any preachy aspects of the writing. Here are the guest posts we placed on the site from Heather Jones, Kevin Adams, and Steve Hopper.

    In Conclusion / Contest Wrap-up

    Emerging Voices CDThank you for staying with Prayer Coach. I appreciate your support through following the posts, tweets, and Facebook messages. This is a great community of people desiring relationship with our God.

    Finally, the emphasize behind this write-up is to explain some of the rationale of the steps to the contest that finished up last week.

    Monday we drew the winner, Dan Black. Dan is the writer of the Dan Black on Leadership blog. He introduced himself over on Prayer Coach blog several months ago and has continued to add his thoughts to comments as he followed each post. His blog is generally about leadership, but he often intertwines his Christian beliefs with different roles and characteristics of a leader.

    Dan, thank you for your participation and I hope you enjoy the Emerging Voices album.

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